CV database for storing and displaying CVs and resumes. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
Sources at GitHub. Running instance at
Get sources:
git clone
Add your host to ansible/inventory. Then:
ansible-playbook -i ansible/inventory ansible/provision-deb.yaml
fab -f deploy:host=user@host
Get sources:
git clone
Create virtual environment and install Python packages:
mkvirtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 cvdb
pip install -r requirements.txt
Generate password:
python cvdb/ cvdb/
Initialize DB:
./ migrate
./ makemigrations viewcv
./ migrate viewcv
Run tests:
./ test
If tests pass, you should be good to go.
Run development server:
./ runserver
Now should be able to see CVDB in your browser at
Note: When trying to sign up on local server, sending confirmation email fails unless a mail server is installed. Installing for example Postfix should fix this:
sudo apt install postfix